If you’re still wondering what this event is about read on, and hopefully you’ll find answers to your questions.

What is a game jam?

Game jams are events during which people gather in teams and create video games, as simple as that.

What is Global Game Jam (GGJ)?

Global Game Jam is a 48-hours event during which thousands of people gather in teams around the world and create video games. And Umeå is now one of the official locations for GGJ.

Who is this event for?

As open as we would like to keep it, there is one requirement – you need to like video games. You don’t need experience in creating games (however it is of course welcome), but most of all you should be familiar with the medium and know some basics of how it works. What you like and don’t like about video games can always be used as an inspiration for creating a game.

How does it work?

Each GGJ has a main theme that is revealed 24 hours before the event. After that, teams start brainstorming about possible ideas for games, and later they proceed on creating them. Before the deadline all teams upload their games (or gameplay videos and screenshots) on the GGJ website: globalgamejam.org

Do I need experience in creating games?

Absolutely no! Remember, this event is for fun most of all, so that us, geeks can gather, talk about video games and try to create something new. It’s also a great starting point for those interested in creating games!

What skills do I need to participate?

Any skills are good – it’s all about multidisciplinary teams! But first and foremost we need programmers to have functional games. No less important are designers and illustrators, all sorts of creative people to come up with the story and gameplay, and more!

Does it cost anything to participate?

No! Participation is entirely free of charge. We do not, however, provide food, which you have to either buy from a nearby restaurant (69kr students / 85kr others) or bring with yourself. We offer coffee, tea, fruits and Wi-Fi access for free :)

How will we arrange in groups?

The group formation is going to take place during the event. The plan is following: after the keynotes and opening we will start brainstorming, which will be done in random groups. After that each of the groups will present their ideas, and the other participants will choose which idea they like the most and create a group. We will try to make sure that each group has both programmers and artists. But this way it seems most reasonable since everyone will be able to work on something they feel enthusiastic about, instead of having to possible make compromises within the group.

Why is the website all in English?

That is because the main organizer doesn’t speak perfect Swedish, and it’s English is better for reaching out to more people than Swedish. And wordpress.com doesn’t provide the option to have two separate language versions. However, feel free to contact us in Swedish!